Hitz, Shelley and S’ambrosia Curtis. A Christian Woman’s
Guide to Breaking Free from Pornography: It’s Not Just a Guy’s Problem. Body and Soul Publishing: http://www.bodyandsoulpublishing.com/,
2012. ISBN-10: 061569389X ISBN-13: 978-0615693897
List price, $12.95
This guide looks at pornography from sociological,
neurological, and personal perspectives. The authors wrote this book to provide
assurance to women, especially Christian women, who struggle with the power of
pornography in their lives. Hitz and Curtis believe that freedom from
pornography is possible. A Christian
Woman’s Guide to Breaking Free from Pornography is based on a premise that,
while images do not disappear, they can be controlled by redirection of
thought, Christian counseling, accountability, and relationship with God.
Dr. Judith Reisman indicates pornography “could be more
addictive than crack cocaine because cocaine can be excreted from the body, whereas
pornographic images … remain, structurally and neurochemically with a person
forever.” With this information, the
authors show that pornography is deeply rooted in America, and holds certainly emotional
if not physical consequences for those who become addicted.
Hitz and Curtis
wrote this book “to open the door to confession and conversation among women in
the Body of Christ who feel as though they are alone in this struggle.”
They share their own journeys, “true stories of struggle and freedom,” and practical
steps women can take “to break free” from their cycle of addiction to images or
the written word. Throughout the eBook version, are links to other information
and support available from or through the authors and other sources.
The tone of this book is objective and spiritual. The
authors’ approach to this issue is straightforward but comfortable. Their use
of personal stories, supported
statistics, and information constitute a level of convincingness and urgency to
their topic. The synthesis of information, shared guilt and practical steps
provide a cohesive whole that is never vulgar or shocking. The Christian women that
make up part of the 33% of the 40 million Americans who regularly visit porn
sites; and struggle alone with their addiction and shame will find light, hope,
and effective ways to approach their problem.
I was given an eBook of this title by the publisher
for my unbiased review.
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